Coach's Corner

a place to grow as a Christian leader

Archive for the tag “values”

Mission, Values, Vision: Part 4

This is Part 4 in a series on Mission, Values, and Vision. You may want to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 before you read on.

Listen to the five-minute Mission, Values, Vision: Part 4 audio program from Coach’s Corner

In this final post in the series on mission, values, and vision, I will explore a key role that a leader plays in an organization: clarifying and communicating vision. Vision is a picture of a preferred future that challenges the organization to become better at living out their mission and values. Read more…

Mission, Values, Vision: Part 3

This is Part 3 in a series on Mission, Values, and Vision. You may want to check out Part 1 and Part 2 before you read on.

Listen to the five-minute Mission, Values, Vision: Part 3 audio program from Coach’s Corner.

In today’s post I’m going to explore a key role that a leader plays in an organization: clarifying and communicating the organization’s values.

An organization’s values are key rules or behavioral norms that drive the team’s behavior, define how to be, both with each other and with those the organization serves, and describe a particular kind of focus for how the organization will do its work. Read more…

Mission, Values, Vision: Part 2

This is Part 2 in a series on Mission, Values, and Vision. You may want to check out Part 1 before you read on.

Listen to the five-minute Mission, Values, Vision: Part 2 audio program from Coach’s Corner.

In today’s post I will talk about a key role that a leader plays in an organization: clarifying and communicating the mission of the organizationRead more…

Mission, Values, Vision: Part 1

Listen to the five-minute Mission, Values, Vision: Part 1 audio program from Coach’s Corner

In today’s post I’m kicking off a series on three keys to leading an organization. Any guesses of what three key things help define an organization and lead to it’s effectiveness?

Mission, Values, and Vision. Read more…

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