Coach's Corner

a place to grow as a Christian leader

Archive for the tag “passion”

Passion: Part 3

(This is the third post in a series about passion. You may want to read Passion: Part 1 and Passion: Part 2 if you haven’t already.)

Listen to the five-minute Passion: Part 3 audio program from Coach’s Corner.

Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)

Today’s post is the third in a series on passion and the very important role it plays for anyone, but especially Christian leaders. Today’s post is about what to do if your job doesn’t align well with any of your passions. Read more…

Passion: Part 2

(This is the second post in a series about passion. You may want to read Passion: Part 1 if you haven’t already.)

Listen to the five-minute Passion: Part 2 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

What is it that makes ordinary everyday people do extraordinary things? 

Today is the second post in a series I’m doing on passion, and the very important role it plays for anyone, but especially those of us that bear the challenge and cost of being a Christian leader. In today’s post I’m talking about how to discover your passion. It can be a little tricky cause sometimes it will disguise itself in other clothes.

Let me tell you a story about someone I’ve met several times and have been able to ask what it is that drives him to accomplish such extraordinary feats.  Read more…

Passion: Part 1

Listen to the five-minute Passion: Part 1 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

Recently I was swamped: not getting all of my work done, not spending enough time with my family, and feeling overwhelmed. Then an opportunity came up to go to see my favorite college basketball team play, an endeavor that with travel would eat up six hours of my day, and I jumped at it.

Today’s post is the first in a series I’m doing on passion and the very important role it plays for anyone, but especially those of us that bear the challenge and cost of being a Christian leader. Read more…

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