Coach's Corner

a place to grow as a Christian leader

Archive for the tag “gifts”

Grace: Part 2

This is the second part of a two-part series. You may want to take a minute to read Part 1 before you continue.

Listen to the five-minute Grace: Part 2 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:5)

Wow. The meek will inherit the earth. Really? This might have something to do with grace: God’s unwarranted favor. Read more…

Grace: Part 1

Listen to the five-minute Grace: Part 1 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

I love the line from former Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer:

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.

Today I’m talking about grace and how it relates to leadership. Understanding the concept of grace—God’s grace and also our grace—is important to Christian leaders who desire to have great impact. Read more…


Listen to the five-minute Stewardship audio program from Coach’s Corner.

Today I’m writing about stewardship, but with a twist. The description I’ve heard of stewardship is this: Imagine back in medieval times. A king needs to leave his kingdom for several months. In order to make sure his kingdom and people are well cared for while he is gone, the king appoints a steward: A person who is highly trusted and whose job it is to show good stewardship of the kingdom while the king is away. Read more…


Listen to the five-minute Gifts audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

When I say gifts, what conjures up in your mind? Christmas gifts? Birthday gifts? In this post, I’m talking about gifts from God. Through God’s grace we’ve all been given unique gifts, including spiritual gifts, physical gifts, intellectual gifts, mental gifts, and even emotional gifts.  Read more…

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