Coach's Corner

a place to grow as a Christian leader

Archive for the tag “fears”

Fear Part 2: The Antidote to the Greatest Fear

Listen to the five-minute Antidote to the Greatest Fear audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

In my last post I wrote about what I believe is the greatest fear for most of us. In this post, I’ll talk about the antidote to that poison.

In Fear Part 1: The Greatest Fear, I shared that I believe the greatest fear is the fear of the unknown, or uncertainty. I believe that we have an antidote to this fear: our faith in God.  Read more…

Fear Part 1: The Greatest Fear

Listen to the five-minute Greatest Fear audio program from Coach’s Corner.

In today’s post I’m going to explore fear…in fact, what I believe to be the greatest fear of leaders, and of people in general. This blog is designed to help you grow as a Christian leader. Knowing your fears and being able to overcome your fears is necessary to becoming a great Christian leader. Read more…

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