Coach's Corner

a place to grow as a Christian leader

Archive for the tag “difficult conversations”

Conflict: Part 3

This is Part 3 in a series on conflict and leadership. You may want to read Part 1 and Part 2 before you continue.

Listen to the five-minute Conflict: Part 3 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

Seek first to understand, and only then to be understood.

Seeking first to understand, then be understood is a term coined by Steven Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Seeking first to understand, and only then to be understood, is at the core of engaging healthy conflict. Read more…

Conflict: Part 2

This is Part 2 in a series on conflict and leadership. You may want to read Part 1 before you continue.

Listen to the five-minute Conflict: Part 2 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

Truth without love can be mean and love without truth can be a lie. We all need both truth and love.

Today’s post is the second in a series on conflict: the importance of engaging it proactively and how to do it in a healthy way. Read more…

Conflict: Part 1

Listen to the five-minute Conflict: Part 1 audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

Truth without love can be mean, and love without truth can be a lie.

Today’s post kicks off a series on conflict and how to deal with it in healthy ways—yet another critical trait for any Christian leader. Read more…

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