Coach's Corner

a place to grow as a Christian leader

Archive for the category “Self Care”

Margin: Part 3

(This is Part 3 of a series on Margin and Leadership. You may want to read Part 1 and Part 2 if you haven’t already.)

Listen to the five-minute Margin: Part Three audio program from Coach’s Corner.

Do you have rhythm? Can you move your body like a great dancer, looking effortless as if it took no work to become so graceful?

How about your life? Does it have rhythm in this same way? If so, did it just happen or did you have to work at it just like a graceful dancer?

Today’s post is third in a series about leaders and margin. Today I’ll be writing about rhythm and the role it plays in margin. We’ll also explore the often misunderstood concept of balance. Read more…

Margin: Part 2

(This is Part 2 of a series on Margin and Leadership. You may want to read Part 1 first.)

Listen to the five-minute Margin: Part Two audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

Each of us has different capabilities for how much we can work before our “heart monitors” would indicate we are getting outside our optimum zone. I suspect this depends on how you were brought up, how you are wired, how important your mission is to you, and how your current family structure operates. Read more…

Margin: Part 1

Listen to the five-minute Margin: Part One audio program from Coach’s Corner. 

What would you do with more margin in your life?

In today’s post I’m talking about margin in a leader’s life. When I say “margin” I mean the times when you’re not working—when you can use your time for your own purposes, not for the commitments you’ve previously made. Read more…

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